Radis presenta Un'arca per le stelle, frutto delle attività educative realizzate con le scuole e curate da Feliz con l'Associazione La Scatola Gialla.


A new date for Radis, the public art project of the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT, which celebrates its twenty-fifth anniversary this year: on Saturday 22 March from 15.00 and Sunday 23 March from 10.00, Un’Arca per le Stelle (An Ark for the Stars), the collective work created by the students who took part in the educational activities curated by Feliz with the La Scatola Gialla association as part of the educational project linked to Radis.

The day will also be an opportunity to present the documentary on the first edition of the project, produced by Cucù Milano and TIWI, which will be broadcast by Sky Arte on Tuesday 25 March 2025.

The Radis project – from the Piedmontese radis (root) – was created with the aim of enriching the Piedmontese territory with a heritage of public works of art that are made available to the community, in dialogue with educational programmes, public meetings and exhibition projects that return part of the collection of the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT to the community. The first edition, curated by Marta Papini and realised in collaboration with the Fondazione CRC, culminated last October with the inauguration in the Chiot Rosa clearing of the site-specific work le masche by the artist Giulia Cenci; the work consists of a series of aluminium sculptures made by the artist from casts of birch trees in the clearing, combined with elements typical of her sculptural language.

The commissioning of Giulia Cenci’s work at Chiot Rosa was accompanied by an educational programme for local schools, curated by Feliz in collaboration with the association La Scatola Gialla. The first cycle of meetings, entitled L’Attesa (Waiting), involved thirteen primary school classes from the Borgo San Dalmazzo and Demonte Comprehensive Institutes in June 2024, who worked in the classroom to discover public art and in Chiot Rosa to imagine their own work at the same time as the artist conceived hers. In the autumn, the project continued with the activities of Costruire i sensi (Building Sensories), which also involved secondary schools, with a total of 38 classes, or 694 students, involved in a first-person confrontation with the work installed at Chiot Rosa, with Giulia Cenci’s language and research. The result of the workshops is L’arca delle stelle (The Ark of the Stars), a collective work whose return is a further opportunity to involve families and the local area in the themes of public art, and an invitation to visit Chiot Rosa to discover the work of public art that has inspired children and young people.

On Saturday 22nd March, the day will begin at 15.00 at the Centro della Comunità (former bowling alley) in Rittana, with institutional greetings by Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, President of the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT, and Mauro Gola, President of the Fondazione CRC; followed by a presentation of the schools’ activities and the final project by Elena Valsania and Christian Grappiolo of Feliz; this will be followed by a talk by Marta Papini, curator of Radis, and the presentation of the documentary film dedicated to the first edition of the project. The day will end with a visit to the students’ work, which will also be open to the public on Sunday 23rd March from 10am to 6pm.

Admission free of charge – reservation available HERE


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APERTO | 2024

With a total of 372 applications received for more than 110 participants selected from all over Italy, the first edition of Aperto, the cycle of free training seminars for contemporary art professionals promoted and financed by the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT, which aims to provide Turin and Piedmont with a free high-level training programme, has come to a successful close and will soon launch its second edition.

With the Aperto programme, we set ourselves the challenge of making Turin a city laboratory for contemporary art professions, in line with its vocation as a reference city in the Italian and European art scene,’ explains Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, President of the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT. Among the lines for the four-year period 2024-27, the Foundation has strategically chosen to give centrality to the offer of specialised training, with the precise aim of preparing professional figures for the art sector, providing skills, spaces, content and economic resources. This is precisely Aperto‘s purpose: to invest in a high-quality training programme, from a theoretical, methodological and operational point of view, which has already produced significant results in the first edition of the programme.

Conceived by a team made up of Giorgina Bertolino, Irene Calderoni, Bernardo Follini and Vittoria Martini, Aperto involved contemporary Turin-based institutions and spaces with recognised expertise in the field of education: Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Almanac, Cripta747, MuchoMas! Feat Venture, each of which has collaborated with universities, educational institutions, archives, libraries and cultural associations, including the University of Turin, Dipartimento Culture Politiche Società, Polo del ‘900, Istoreto – Istituto piemontese per la storia della Resistenza e della società contemporanea “Giorgio Agosti”, Città di Torino, Biblioteca Civica Alberto Geisser, Archivio Tipografico, Pressato Coffee & Books, De Carli Fonderia Artistica.

Aperto‘s 2024 programme proposed six free intensive seminars, each lasting four days, with a total of 55 visiting professors, including Italian and international guests, at the venues of the participating institutions and partners; each seminar explored a specific area: Practice-based research, on the relationship between research and practice in the context of art and curating and of academic or independent studies; Relazionarsi al presente / Relating to the present, to reflect on how an artistic practice relates to the present, through the exploration of the concepts of community, belonging and relationship; Prologue for a school in the making. A Project by Una Scuola al Castello di Rivoli, a pilot seminar of the Castello di Rivoli Postgraduate Art Training Programme, to work collectively and critically on deconstructing one’s own disciplines and delaying production in a spirit of open dialogue; Arte e scritture in atto / Art and Writings in Action to address, explore and discuss the practice of writing as an evolving tool at the intersection of historiographic, critical, theoretical and artistic production; Arte in pratica: allestimento e produzione / Art in Practice: Installation and Production, to provide tools and techniques for two central aspects of the organisation and system of contemporary art that require professionals with a variety of increasingly specialised and up-to-date skills; Management e sostenibilità dei progetti culturali / Management and Sustainability of Cultural Projects, to explore the fundamental tools for projects that are intended to last, evolve and leave a mark on the community.


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APERTO is a free training programme for contemporary art professionals, promoted and financed by the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT.

The seminar is the format chosen to deepen a specific field: it combines the acquisition of new skills with the theoretical and reflective dimension and workshop activity.

Each seminar lasts 4 days and is given by Italian and international teachers and guests. It is aimed at a maximum of 25 participants aged between 22 and 35, who are admitted through individual open calls. Participants can apply for one or more seminars.

It is a network of contemporary institutions and spaces with recognised expertise in the field of education and takes place in their premises in Turin.

For more information visit the website.

Follow the Aperto on Instagram


Museum directors, curators, artists, students, critics, professionals of the contemporary art system and personalities from different backgrounds, together in an informal meeting in symbolic spaces throughout Italy: the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT is launching Pastis, the ‘secret breakfast’ conceived by art critic, journalist and populariser Nicolas Ballario, which the Foundation has decided to organise at key moments for contemporary art in Italy, in order to help build a more cohesive, inclusive and open art community.

“Conceived and curated by Nicolas Ballario, Pastis is a format that had its first stop in Turin last November on the occasion of the Artissima International Fair. We are delighted to be able to renew this appointment in Bologna during Artefiera,” says Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, President of the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT. Pastis is a breakfast and much more: it is an opportunity for networking outside the canonical venues of contemporary art; a moment of convivial meeting and discussion among people who are attracted to and work in this world; a way of discovering and rediscovering significant and symbolic places in the cities where it takes place. Of course, it is also an opportunity to make the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT, of which I have the honour to be President, known, to tell those who do not yet know about its activities and projects, so that they can spread them in their own professional and personal spheres.”

Pastis is a convivial moment with no apparent purpose other than to meet, to get to know each other, to chat,” says Nicolas Ballario. “The format was first experimented with during Artissima in the Pastis bar of the same name in Turin, but that is not why it is called Pastis: Pastis in Piedmontese means ‘chaos’, and that is precisely the purpose, to bring together different personalities, to mix and network from the early hours of the morning; rumours circulate a few days in advance, but only on the morning of the breakfast do we really know the exact location of the meeting, which is always and in any case a historic venue in the host city, an important place for art or for the artistic community.”

The next Pastis event will take place in Bologna during ARTEFIERA, on the morning of Friday 7 February.


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Visual Identity: Creative studio Cucù Milano


Seminar 6 | Management e sostenibilità dei progetti culturali | from 5 to 8 February 2025

Aperto, the free training programme for contemporary art professionals, promoted and funded by the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT, announces the sixth seminar of its first edition.

Designing culture is as much about vision as it is about strategy: the ‘Management e sostenibilità dei progetti culturali (Management and Sustainability of Cultural Projects)’ seminar will explore the fundamental tools for creating projects that can last, evolve and leave a mark on communities.

Cultural design is not only a creative exercise, but also a management process that must take into account available resources, costs, socio-cultural impact and public policies. The seminar will address the issues of sustainability and management from an integrated cross-cutting perspective: sustainability will be interpreted in an economic and socio-political sense, where being sustainable means first and foremost creating projects that have a lasting positive impact on communities, while management will be understood as the operational ability to strategically manage resources and project development phases.

Management and sustainability of cultural projects’ is a seminar by Riccardo Lazzarato, organised by Feat.Ventures and reserved for a group of people who have attended one of Aperto’s previous seminars.



The 2024 edition of Aperto offered 6 seminarsPractice-based research (26-29 June), Relazionarsi al presente / Relating to the Present (16-19 July), Una scuola al Castello di Rivoli /A School at the Castello di Rivoli (23-26 September), Arte e scritture in atto / Art and Writings in Action (23-26 October), Arte in pratica: allestimento e produzione /Art in Practice: Installation and Production (27-30 November), Management e sostenibilità dei progetti culturali / Management and Sustainability of Cultural Projects (5-8 February 2025).

Each seminar lasted four days and is given by Italian and international lecturers and guests. They were open to a maximum of 25 participants between the ages of 22 and 35 who were admitted through individual open calls. Participants could apply to one or more seminars.

Aperto is a network of contemporary institutions and spaces with recognised expertise in the field of education and takes place in their premises in Turin. The partners design the seminars together with the team that conceived the project (Giorgina Bertolino, Irene Calderoni, Bernardo Follini, Vittoria Martini). The 2024 edition of Aperto involved Castello di Rivoli Museo di Arte Contemporanea, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Almanac, Cripta747, Mucho Mas!, Feat Venture.

For more information visit the website.

Follow the Aperto on Instagram


Introduced today the first news on the second edition of EXPOSED Torino Foto Festival (April 16-June 2, 2025). 12 solo and group exhibitions, 16 artists from 12 countries (Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Switzerland, United States, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Bolivia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Palestine),  7 prestigious exhibition venues (Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti, Archivio di Stato, Camera – Italian Centre for Photography, Gallerie d’Italia – Turin, GAM – Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art, OGR-Officine Grandi Riparazioni and Palazzo Carignano): these are the numbers of EXPOSED Torino Foto Festival, a cultural event that offers an international overview of the latest trends in contemporary photography.


“Beneath the Surface” is the topic chosen for the second edition of the Festival, organised by Fondazione per la Cultura Torino under the guidance of artistic directors Menno Liauw and Salvatore Vitale, and promoted by Città di Torino, Regione Piemonte, Camera di commercio di Torino, Intesa Sanpaolo, Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo and Fondazione CRT in cooperation with Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT.

The theme of the festival is a call to explore the contents and worlds that hide under the surface of images – not only those captured by the artists’ shots, but also those generated, transformed, and retouched through increasingly advanced and interconnected technologies. The artists’ gaze shows the complexity of present times from different perspectives, capturing unprecedented angles. Photography brings back to the forefront of contemporary debate the critical reflection on current issues, such as climate change, the postcolonial perspective, and fast-changing geopolitical balances.

Always at the forefront in supporting Turin’s cultural system, the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT has stimulated the creation of yet another moment of great events dedicated to contemporary creativity, to be added to the extraordinary programme that comes to life in Turin every November.

For 25 years, the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT has been working in synergy with the Fondazione CRT to support our cultural system, both in terms of the provision of resources and in the important role of liaison, facilitating the creation of networks and cooperation between different cultural institutions. In this spirit, this year we are renewing our collaboration with EXPOSED. Torino Foto Festival, an event that aims to position Turin in national and international cultural circuits and make the city a point of reference for Italian and European photographic culture, also thanks to the involvement of the territory’s cultural network“, says Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, President of the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT.


Further details available here – download the press release

Link – Press folder


La Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT si conferma grande protagonista della Art Week torinese attraverso il sostegno a numerose iniziative nell’ambito della Fiera Internazionale di Artissima, nella Città di Torino ma anche fuori città!


La campagna acquisizioni
In occasione della trentunesima edizione di Artissima, la Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT incrementa a 280.000 euro lo storico Fondo Acquisizioni a beneficio delle collezioni di GAM – Galleria Civica di Arte Moderna di Torino e Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, il budget più elevato degli ultimi dodici anni.

le masche | Conversazione tra Marta Papini e Giulia
3 novembre h 16.30
Meeting Point, Oval

Conversazione tra l’artista Giulia Cenci e la curatrice Marta Papini a proposito della prima opera permanente dell’artista, le masche, inaugurata il 6 ottobre al Chiot Rosa di Rittana (CN), nell’ambito del progetto Radis, promosso dalla Fondazione Arte CRT in collaborazione con Fondazione CRC.


2-3 novembre

Partner storico di numerosi progetti e iniziative della Art Week, la Fondazione si conferma sostenitore unico degli eventi organizzati da TAG Torino Art Galleries sin dalla prima edizione. Sabato 2 novembre le gallerie aprono contemporaneamente dalle h 18 alle h 23 per la Notte delle Arti Contemporanee, e siete tutti invitati alle Tag Art Coffee Break di sabato 2 e domenica 3 novembre dalle h 10 alle h 12.

Inoltre le opere della collezione della Fondazione Arte CRT saranno grandi protagoniste dei riallestimenti delle collezioni della GAM e del Castello di Rivoli, oltre che presenti nelle grandi mostre temporanee di prossima apertura.

Per maggiori dettagli vi invitiamo a visitare i siti dei musei.



La Art Week rappresenta un’occasione imperdibile per una gita fuori porta e scoprire le masche”, la nuova opera pubblica realizzata da Giulia Cenci per la prima edizione di Radis a Rittana (CN).
Sempre a Rittana sarà possibile visitare fino al 10 novembre (sabato e domenica, dalle h 10 alle h 18) “L’opera al nero”, mostra curata da Marta Papini e Leonardo Pietropaolo nell’ambito del progetto Radis che mette in dialogo opere della Fondazione Arte CRT e della Fondazione CRC. La mostra sarà visitabile fino al 11 novembre.


Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT would like to thank all those who participated in the inauguration of Giulia Cenci’s public work le masche, which took place on Sunday 6 October at Chiot Rosa in Rittana (CN), as part of Radis, the four-year project for art in public space, realised in this first year in collaboration with the Fondazione CRC.

The site-specific work was lent free of charge to the Municipality of Rittana, Cuneo.

Many thanks to the artist Giulia Cenci, the curator Marta Papini and the whole team who made the project possible. Thanks to Mauro Gola, President of the Fondazione CRC, for readily agreeing to share his skills, resources and knowledge, and to Giacomo Doglio, Mayor of the Municipality of Rittana, for his enthusiasm, passion and willingness to welcome the Radis project in his municipality.

Thanks are also due to Bandakadabra for the musical performance and to Associazione Feliz and Scatola Gialla for the family activities.

Finally, the Foundation would like to thank the inhabitants of Rittana and the municipalities of the Stura Valley for accompanying it on this journey and for their presence, which made this event a special moment.



Photo credit: Giorgio Perottino



Marta Papini, Giulia Cenci, Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo | Ph. credit Giorgio Perottino, - Chiot rosa, Rittana (CN) 2 ottobre, 2024


The new public art project of Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT inaugurates the site-specific artwork le masche by the artist Giulia Cenci, as a conclusion of its first edition. The opening is on Sunday October 6th at 11.30 a.m.

The work is located in the Chiot Rosa clearing, in Rittana (CN). Cenci’s work consists of aluminium sculptures from the casts of birch trees bordering the meadow, combined with elements of her sculptural language. Wolf & mannequin heads, intertwined with vine branches create hybrid figures – trees with flowers, humans with animals. The work is the result of an intense interaction with the place, with the narratives, history and imagery that have passed through and shaped it. Her sculptures stretch out among the birch trees and help outline an ever-changing landscape.


The title of the work refers to the masche, figures of the Piedmontese peasant tradition that Nuto Revelli also described in his texts, honouring all those marginalised because of their diversity.

The first chapter of the four-year Radis project was developed in cooperation with Fondazione CRT in Chiot Rosa, in the Municipality of Rittana, 1,200 metres asl. The place is steeped deep in history, conveying a strong symbolic value, linked to the Resistance: the nearby Borgata Paraloup was in fact the first headquarters of the Giustizia e Libertà (Justice and Freedom) partisan brigades in the Cuneo area.

Giulia Cenci’s le masche develops a new imaginary sphere in this place: grown at night or standing as witnesses of facts, memories and stories of the place, the sculptures become presences, figures that seem to observe what happens under and around them with curiosity and amazement, on the meadow, around the trees and among the structures designed and installed to harbour moments of rest and grouping for residents and visitors. Created especially for Chiot Rosa, Cenci’s work will remain on permanent loan to the Municipality of Rittana.

The inauguration of the work ‘le masche’ is a point of arrival but also the starting point of the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea’s Radis project: the work by artist Giulia Cenci is the first step of a four-year project involving local communities and players in cultural and artistic production,’ says Anna Maria Poggi, President of Fondazione CRT. ’Fondazione CRT is convinced that art and culture are powerful tools to strengthen the area and its human capital, a precious bridge between stories and people especially when they go beyond the institutional walls.’

I am excited and proud of the result of the first edition of Radis,’ said Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, President of Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT. ‘Giulia Cenci’s work is the practical, poetic story, the result of a long path that Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT undertook with the intention of rooting an artwork to the place it was intended for. le masche is a site-specific artwork emerging from a slow meditated process, led by the artist and curator Marta Papini. It was based on the involvement of the community, schools with the contribution of professionals and expert artisans. I am sure that the sculptures of this sensitive and imaginative artist will inhabit the welcoming clearing of Chiot Rosa, giving Rittana and all of us a new and open landscape where stories, fairy tales and fantasies, humans, trees, stones and animals can coexist’.

The fruitful collaboration with Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT has been able to build, in this first year of the Radis project, an artistic path of great value, innovative and particularly endorsed’ comments Mauro Gola, president of Fondazione CRC. ‘Art and culture confirm their strategic role for the development and regeneration of mountain territories and their ability to activate local communities, with unexpected and highly valuable results.

The first edition of the project was curated by Marta Papini, who invited Giulia Cenci to work in the Chiot Rosa area because of her interest in places on the border between nature and human built areas and her research focused on the relationships between human beings, animals and the environment. The artist adopts recycled materials, such as waste from the agriculture or car wrecks, and casts of prototypes with animal and human likenesses. Cenci assembles and melts these fragments into complex sculptures where manual skill and serial production coexist side by side.

le masche is the result of the Chiot Rosa stories: tales from the Resistance, tales of fear, joy, stories of love and hate, of animals and plants. In her work, Giulia Cenci pays homage to all creatures marginalised because of their difference, now as in the past’ said Marta Papini.

Giulia Cenci (Cortona, 1988) graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, subsequently obtained a MA in Fine Arts by the St. Joost Academy, Den Bosch-Breda, NL, and attended deAteliers residency program, Amsterdam, NL. Over the years, her work has been appreciated in Italy and abroad in numerous important solo and group exhibitions. Cenci was included in the 59th Venice Biennale, has exhibited in New York, Lyon, Amsterdam, and was awarded the Baloise Art Prize at Art Basel 2019. She was a finalist for the 2020 MAXXI BVLGARI PRIZE and for the 2023/24 Future Generation Art Prize.

Chiot Rosa’s stillness seems to be the bearer of an invisible story of refuge and struggle, contrasts and contradictions belonging to the development of our country and its difficulties,’ said Giulia Cenci. “I couldn’t help but think that here people gathered and fought, found shelter as well as death.

Thanks to the Radis project promoted by Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT, Giulia Cenci’s sculptural work will make Chiot Rosa – already steeped deep in history and natural beauty – an extraordinarily attractive place, able to convey new suggestions and emotions to all those who will visit it,’ said Giacomo Doglio, Mayor of Rittana.

The Radis project – from the Piedmontese word for root – was conceived with the aim of enriching the Piedmontese territory with a heritage of public art works for the local community, interfacing with educational programmes, public meetings and exhibition projects that return part of the collection of the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT to the community. In fact, the inauguration of the work was preceded by a summer public programme consisting of numerous events in Cuneo, Rittana and Paraloup: Marta Papini and Giulia Cenci took part in the conversation Pane del Bosco (Bread of the Woods); Nicolas Ballario and Rodrigo D’Erasmo performed the show LIVES! La vita di Louise Bourgeois in parole e in musica (The life of Louise Bourgeois in words and music); Treti Galaxie curated the sixth edition of Supercondominio; in collaboration with Fondazione Nuto Revelli, a conference I paesaggi nella crisi tra memoria, ecologia e azione. Ecomemoria e progetti di futuro sostenibile (Landscapes of a crisis – straddling memory, ecology and action. Ecomemory and projects for a sustainable future) was also organised, with Mia Canestrini, Matteo Caccia and Alessandra Viola, among others. Lastly, the mapping of art in the public space in the Province of Cuneo curated by Vittoria Martini was presented by the author in conversation with Francesca Comisso, followed by the meeting I testimony de ‘Il mondo dei vinti’ and of the ‘L’anello forte’ (The witnesses of ‘The world of the defeated’ and ‘The strong ring’) with photographer Paola Agosti.

The opening of le masche will also be marked by the second chapter of the group exhibition L’opera al nero, which includes works from Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT and Fondazione CRC, curated by Marta Papini and Leonardo Pietropaolo, with Giulia Cenci, at the Centro Civico e Culturale di Rittana. The first chapter of the exhibition, which opened on 14 July 2024, focused on the relationship between humans and other living beings, observing the relationship between the body and the outside world, with works by Lorenza Boisi, Steffani Jemison, Lin May Saeed, Letícia Parente and Tabita Rezaire. In the second chapter of the exhibition the focus is on each body’s experience, in relation to technology and processes of change and transformation: the exhibition is enriched with works by Ed Atkins, Roberto Cuoghi, Anne Imhof, Seth Price, James Richards and Alessandra Spranzi. The exhibition, which benefits from the Big Broker Insurance Group – Ciaccio Arte’s technical sponsorship, will be open every Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm until November 10th.



October 2024, 6th, 11.30 a.m.
Radura del Chiot Rosa, Rittana (Cuneo)

The public opening of le masche will be on Sunday October 6th at 11.30 a.m. in the presence of the artist Giulia Cenci, curator Marta Papini as well as local government and authorities, with an introduction by Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo (President of Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT), Mauro Gola (President of Fondazione CRC) and Giacomo Doglio (Mayor of Rittana). The day will also include a musical performance by Bandakadabra, a light lunch offered at the Rittana Community Centre, as well as educational activities for families organised by Associazione Feliz with La Scatola Gialla, and a visit at the exhibition L’opera al nero.

A free shuttle service (subject to availability) will be offered between Turin and Rittana, departing from opposite the Porta Susa Railway Station in Corso Bolzano 44, near bus bays 11 and 13, at 8.30 a.m. and returning at 5 p.m.. Booking is required by writing to progetti@fondazioneartecrt.it. By car: the road to Chiot Rosa will be closed, so it is advisable to park in Rittana and use the available local shuttles.


For information: www.radis-crt.it





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Rittana, Cuneo, 2 October 2024
Photo credit: Giorgio Perottino



Radis è il progetto di arte nello spazio pubblico promosso da Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT per il quadriennio 2024-2027.

La prima edizione ha luogo nella provincia di Cuneo, con la collaborazione della Fondazione CRC.

Marta Papini, curatrice di questa edizione, ha invitato l’artista Giulia Cenci a realizzare un’opera destinata a un’area boschiva in Valle Stura, vicino al paese di Rittana; l’opera resterà di proprietà della Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT, in comodato permanente al Comune di Rittana.

Radis intende arricchire il territorio piemontese con un patrimonio di opere di arte pubblica e il coinvolgimento attivo degli abitanti, degli enti locali e delle associazioni. Per questo, oltre alla commissione dell’opera, saranno sviluppati un programma educativo, una mostra collettiva e un public program.

Domenica 6 ottobre h 11.30 sarà presentata l’opera permanente di Giulia Cenci, le masche, al Chiot Rosa, nel comune di Rittana (CN) in Valle Stura.



Torino – Rittana

ore 8.30 – partenza della navetta gratuita*

Stazione di Porta Susa, presso gli stalli degli autobus 11 e 13, Corso Bolzano 44, Torino


Rittana – Chiot Rosa
A partire dalle ore 10 fino alle ore 14 – Partenza delle navette da Rittana per il Chiot Rosa.

La strada per il Chiot Rosa sarà interdetta alle auto, si invita pertanto il pubblico a parcheggiare a Rittana e utilizzare le navette a disposizione. Le navette saranno disponibili per tutta la mattinata per tornare a Rittana.


Chiot Rosa
ore 11.30 – Inaugurazione dell’opera le masche alla presenza dell’artista Giulia Cenci, della curatrice Marta Papini e di istituzioni e autorità.

Introducono Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Presidente della Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT; Mauro Gola; Presidente della Fondazione CRC; e Giacomo Doglio, Sindaco del Comune di Rittana.

A seguire spettacolo musicale a cura di Bandakadabra.



ore 13.30 – Light lunch offerto presso il Centro della Comunità di Rittana (Via Roma, Rittana CN)

ore 15.00 – Attività educative per famiglie a cura di Feliz e associazione La Scatola Gialla presso il Cento della Comunità di Rittana.

Presso il Centro Civico e Culturale di Rittana (Via Roma 6, Rittana CN) sarà visitabile la mostra “L’opera al nero”, curata da Marta Papini e Leonardo Pietropaolo con Giulia Cenci.


Rittana – Torino

ore 17 – Partenza della navetta per Torino

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Sabato 21 settembre al Rondò dei Talenti di Cuneo (Via Luigi Gallo 1) si terranno gli ultimi incontri del public program di Radis, il progetto di arte nello spazio pubblico che la Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT ha realizzato, per questa prima edizione, in collaborazione con la Fondazione CRC.

Il ciclo di incontri estivi del public program, che ha avvicinato il pubblico alla pratica artistica di Giulia Cenci e allo svelamento della sua opera (previsto per il 6 ottobre 2024), si concluderà con la presentazione del progetto di mappatura dell’arte nello spazio pubblico in provincia di Cuneo a cura di Vittoria Martinialle ore 15.00, e con l’intervento della fotografa italiana di fama internazionale Paola Agosti, I testimoni de “Il mondo dei vinti” e de “L’anello forte”alle ore 16.30.


Vittoria Martini, storica dell’arte indipendente, presenta la mappatura delle opere d’arte pubblica della provincia di Cuneo. Di anno in anno, di provincia in provincia, sarà infatti realizzata una mappatura che affiancherà Radis per offrire una fotografia della vocazione artistica e culturale del Piemonte. Nel corso dell’incontro Arte nello spazio dei luoghi, in conversazione con la curatrice Francesca Comisso, Vittoria Martini presenterà al pubblico il suo lavoro di ricerca di quelle opere nate a partire dal dialogo con le comunità, radicate nei luoghi che diventano parte della memoria collettiva. Ingresso libero.

Maggiori informazioni e prenotazioni disponibili a questo link.


Paola Agosti, che interverrà nell’incontro I testimoni de “Il mondo dei vinti” e de “L’anello forte”, ha documentato per immagini il movimento femminista attraversando città e generazioni di donne; il suo sguardo sull’universo femminile va oltre i movimenti e i cortei, lo troviamo nei magnifici ritratti di importanti scrittrici fatti in occasione del progetto Firmato Donna e nelle immagini di donne che lavorano nelle principali fabbriche del Nord, scattate per il progetto La donna e la macchina, divenuto poi un libro. Sotto lo stimolo de Il mondo dei vinti di Nuto Revelli, la fotografa ha attraversato le campagne e le montagne povere della provincia di Cuneo, restituendo l’altra faccia della modernità italiana, fatta di zone abbandonate, vite disagiate ma anche di tenace resistenza di saperi antichi. Ingresso libero.

Maggiori informazioni e prenotazioni disponibili a questo link.