Public Program

An interdisciplinary project aimed at everyone, offering moments of learning in the fields of the visual and performing arts and scientific study.
Designed for a diverse audience, the OGR Public Program is an interdisciplinary training project, free and open to all. The encounters proposed deal with the fields of the figurative and performing arts, science and social issues. A journey through the various expressive languages that inhabit the OGR spaces on a daily basis.
All the videos of the encounters are available on the YouTube Channel of Fondazione Arte CRT
Past editions

Public Program 2023
The 2023 edition, with the occasion of METAmorphosis, the second chapter of the Beyond prodution project, investigated the phenomenon of the Metaverse, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses and offering a critical, formative and educational vision for art world professionals (galleries and artists) and the public.
The theme, which is highly topical and constantly evolving, was explored by leading experts in a number of dedicated moments in OGR Turin, a place of choice for the development of new technologies and recipient of the OGR Award.
The result of this project saw the selection of a winning work set up both physically and in its digital version in the new Metaverso environment at OGR.
The videos of the 3 recorded meetings are available on the Fondazione Arte CRT‘s Youtube channel .

Public Program 2022
The 2022 edition, with the occasion of “Naturecultures. Art and Nature from Arte Povera to today. From the Collections of the CRT Foundation for Modern and Contemporary Art to the Rivoli Castle” the exhibition organized by OGR Turin and Castello di Rivoli, with the support of the CRT Foundation for Modern and Contemporary Art and the extraordinary contribution of the CRT Foundation, is included in the project through the creation of a rich program of free meetings of various kinds which include guided visits with the curators of the exhibition; talks dedicated to Arte Povera, collecting and the birth of the Foundation’s collection; conversations with top climate change experts; visits outside the OGR to get to know the places of inspiration and production of great Arte Povera artists such as Giuseppe Penone, Michelangelo Pistoletto and Piero Gilardi. Finally, thanks to the collaboration with the Education Department of the Castello di Rivoli and Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto, one of Michelangelo Pistoletto’s most famous actions was also created, the Third Paradise, which involves hundreds of people each time.
The calendar of events defined in collaboration and with the support of Castello di Rivoli is available on the project page.
The 2022 edition also saw the conversation between Francesco Jodice and Elena Volpato (Conservator and Curator at the GAM) hosted within the WEBTV of The Phair.
The project will end in May 2023 with three appointments dedicated to the theme of the Metaverse in relation to the project born in collaboration with Artissima (METAmorphosis) and as an accompanying path to the proclamation of the OGR Award which will take place at OGR Turin.
The videos of the 6 recorded meetings are available on the YouTube Channel of the Fondazione Arte CRT.

Public Program 2021
The 2021 edition integrated into the digital programming of OGR Open Sessions through a proposal of meetings in a live streaming platform that allows interaction with the public and the best possible and outstanding accessibility through the simultaneous translation service for meetings in foreign languages and experimentation in LIS (Italian sign language), thanks to the collaboration of the Instituto dei Sordi di Torino. The popular Scintille series is back and curated in the first part of the year by the Gabriele Beccaria, journalist, which presents guests of the caliber of Roberto Battiston, Dario Peirone, Stefano Quintarelli and Barbara Caputo. The events, significantly connected to OGR’s cultural program, return with a conversation with the American artist Jessica Stockholder. Furthermore, the OGR Talks series will feature collaborations with many cultural institutions in the area, such as the Interludio Association, View Conference, Biennale Democrazia, Festival del Classico and others.
All the videos of the encounters are available on the YouTube Channel of the Fondazione Arte CRT.

Public Program 2020
In its third edition, the OGR Public Program training project saw the realization of only 2 meetings compared to the 40 scheduled at the beginning of the year, abruptly interrupted due to the pandemic. However, to maintain an active dialogue with the public and to capitalize on the existing video documentary heritage, during the months of suspension, a digital column called “Memories” was promptly activated and merged into the broader “OGR is digital” project, conducted by the communication office of the OGRs.
“Memories” repeated, on a weekly basis, the videos of the meetings of the two past editions of the Public Program.
During 2020, a total of 14 appointments were held (divided into four thematic sections: OGR Productions, OGR Talks, Officine del Sapere and Domeniche in Festa) of which 10 in presence and 4 in live streaming, for a total of 2,200 participants, with guests from the most diverse fields of contemporary culture, from literature and history to science to technological innovation, without forgetting art and music: Giovanni Filoramo, Christian Greco, Piergiorgio Odifreddi, Davide Dattoli, Donatella Di Cesare, Melania Mazzucco, Mario Brunello, etc., activating new collaborations with some partners in and out of Turin such as the Egyptian Museum, Antiruggine, CentroScienza Association, Doppiozero Association, University of Turin, ZonArte, Castello di Rivoli Education Department and others.
All the videos of the encounters are available on the YouTube Channel of the Fondazione Arte CRT.

Public Program 2019
The 2019 edition featured more than 50 appointments and around 13,000 participants, with the presence of outstanding protagonists such as Marco Balzano, Walter Barberis, Goran Bregović, Franco Cardini, Flavio Caroli, Oliver Coates, Lella Costa, Tomaso Montanari, Carlo Olmo, Mario Rasetti, Luca Scarlini, Enrica Tesio and many others. There were also major collaboration projects with partners such as Biennale Democrazia, Giovani Genitori, Università degli Studi di Torino, VIEW Conference, Einaudi Editore, COLTI – Consorzio Librerie Torinesi Indipendenti, Torino Spiritualità, Workspace Ricerca X, ZonArte, Associazione Piccoli Passi Onlus and the Mycotheca Universitatis Taurinensis.
All the videos of the encounters are available on the YouTube Channel of the Fondazione Arte CRT.

Public Program 2018
The 2018 edition featured more than 40 appointments and over 10,000 participants, with the presence of outstanding protagonists such as Tino Sehgal, Massimo Recalcati, David Szalay, Susan Hiller, Gunter Pauli, Slavs&Tatars, Christian Marazzi, Vincent Moon, Rokni Haerizadeh, Eva and Franco Mattes, Mauro Giacca, Alessandro Baricco, Mike Nelson, Project-TO and many others. There were also major collaborations with partners such as the National Museum of Cinema, Seeyousound International Music Festival, Festival della Psicologia, the International Book Fair of Turin, the Politecnico di Torino, Associazione Doppiozero, ZonArte, Share Festival, Istituto dei Sordi di Torino, Speak Torino, Fondazione circolo dei lettori and COLTI.
All the videos of the encounters are available on the YouTube Channel of the Fondazione Arte CRT.