
The “aulArte” is an educational project promoted and supported by the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT, addresing schools in Piedmont. Its aim is to promote the knowledge and dissemination of contemporary art within the school curriculum, thanks to the collaboration of the education departments of Piedmont’s museums and contemporary art foundations.
The Foundation believes strongly in the educational role of contemporary art, in the role it can play in the learning process and in the collective life of a school group made up of children and adults, teachers and families.
In the field of education, we can now speak of a true tradition of the institution, which began in 2010 with the zonArte project, a programme of activities born from the confrontation and collaboration between the educational departments of the main museums and institutions in the territory.
After the success of the first edition, which involved eight primary schools (a total of 16 classes and around 350 students), the second edition of aulArte is taking a further step by seeking to make a significant contribution to two very important issues – access to cultural venues for students and teacher training – and is developing in two different ways
– A call for applications addressed to all schools in Piedmont, at all levels, to contribute to educational trip to museums and contemporary art foundations in Piedmont (Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto, GAM Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Fondazione Ferrero, Fondazione Merz, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, PAV Parco Arte Vivente, Pinacoteca Agnelli).
– A teacher training programme for teachers in Piedmont, divided into units curated by the Education departments on topics related to artists and contemporary art practices. The aim is to enable teachers to develop a didactic approach using contemporary art within the school curriculum. The project started in September and will run from October 2024 to May 2025; for more details, see the full programme.
Past editions

aulArte 2024
After the success of the first edition, the aulArte 2024-2025 Call is taking a further step, aiming to make a significant contribution to two very important issues – access to cultural venues for students and teacher training – and developing in two different ways:
– A call for applications addressed to all schools in Piedmont, at all levels, whose contribution will be earmarked for educational trips to museums and contemporary art foundations in Piedmont.
The 25 schools selected for the 2024-2025 Edition: Scuola Secondaria di I grado “Martiri del Martinetto” (Istituto Comprensivo Giovanni Cena), Torino, TO; Istituto Comprensivo Barge, Barge, CN; Scuola dell’Infanzia “Fondazione Giuseppe Bionda”, Rivalta di Torino, TO; Istituto Comprensivo “Cesare Pavese” Candelo-Sandigliano, Sandigliano, BI; Scuola Primaria “Martiri della Benedicta” (Istituto Comprensivo. 2 Novi Ligure), Novi Ligure, AL; Liceo G. B. Bodoni, Saluzzo, CN; I.I.S. C. I. GIULIO, Torino, TO; C.P.I.A. 2 CUNEO Alba-Mondovì “Gino Strada”, Alba, CN, Istituto Comprensivo Castellamonte, Castellamonte, TO; Istituto Comprensivo Umberto Saba, Torino, TO; Istituto Comprensivo Baricco, Torino, TO; Istituto Comprensivo “C. A. Dalla Chiesa” di Nizza Monferrato, Nizza Monferrato, AT; Istituto Comprensivo 1 Asti, Asti, AT; Istituto Comprensivo TORINO II, Torino, TO; Istituto Maria Ausiliatrice, Giaveno, TO; Istituto Comprensivo Antonelli – Casalegno, Torino, TO; Primo Liceo Artistico, Torino, TO; Istituto Comprensivo Valdilana – Pettinengo, Valdilana, BI; Istituto Comprensivo llaria Alpi, Torino, TO; Istituto Comprensivo Andezeno, Andezeno, TO; Istituto Comprensivo 1 Acqui Terme, Acqui Terme, AL; Scuola Primaria Paritaria “S. Anna Opera Barolo”, Moncalieri, TO; Istituto Comprensivo Caduti di Cefalonia-Mazzini, Torino, TO; Istituto Comprensivo Alessandria-Spinetta Marengo, Spinetta Marengo, AL; Istituto Comprensivo Pinerolo 4, Pinerolo, TO.
– Teacher training programme for teachers in Piedmont, divided into units curated by the Education departments on topics related to artists and contemporary art practices. The aim is to enable teachers to develop a didactic approach using contemporary art within the school curriculum. The project started in September and will run from October 2024 to May 2025.

aulArte 2023
The first edition of the “aulArte” project was addressed to all primary schools in Piemonte through a call for proposals aimed at the dissemination of contemporary art and its relation to current themes and issues.
The selected schools were asked to work on a project idea in dialogue with the annual programme and/or current themes; starting from a broad general theme linked to the contemporary, the proposed project was developed using the languages, themes, works, artists and currents of contemporary art as a tool.
Thanks to the collaboration of the Education Departments of the main contemporary art institutions in the area, the teachers and students of the selected schools carried out an in-depth study, visiting the excellent museums of the area and carrying out classroom activities with a view to returning.
The 8 elementary school selected for the 2023-2024 Edition:
Istituto Comprensivo Druento, Druento, TO; Istituto Comprensivo Revello, Revello, CN; Direzione Didattica di Leini “Anna Frank” Scuola Primaria, Leini, TO; Istituto Comprensivo Gaetano Salvemini, Torino, TO; Istituto Comprensivo Caselette, Caselette, TO; Istituto Comprensivo Nicolò Tommaseo, Torino, TO; Istituto Comprensivo Cavaglià, Viverone, BI; Istituto Comprensivo Leonardo Da Vinci, Verzuolo, CN.
The Education Departments partnering the project: Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, GAM – Galleria Civica di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Fondazione Merz, Parco Arte Vivente, Pinacoteca Agnelli, Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto e Fondazione Piera, Pietro e Giovanni Ferrero.