Beyond Production

In 2021 Artissima and the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT launched Beyond Production, a conceptual platform in synergy with OGR Torino within the scope of the OGR Award, capable of stimulating and promoting reflections on the most innovative trends in contemporary art, investigating their relationship with transformations of the society, with a central focus on works of art and the historical/cultural value of collecting.
Beyond Production sums up the key identifying aspects of both: research on innovative projects, an accent on curating, with openness to contamination.
Past editions

Beyond Production 2023
Symposium is the third chapter of Beyond Production, a project born from the dialogue between Artissima and the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporary Art CRT. The aim of the project, in addition to the project, in addition to highlighting the work done so far, is to reflect on the relationship between new technologies, art and society by adopting three different points of view.
14 speakers, experts from from the world of art, from companies dealing with new technologies applied to culture and art, and legal and ethical experts, spoke at the
spoke at the conference on 4 November to reflect on the creative process, legislative and protective process in the relationship with artificial intelligence.
Ingredient project and in line with the identity traits of Beyond Production was the involvement of Alia, an artificial entity developed by the Deep Learning and Big Data department of Alkemy Spa in collaboration with MNAD and MEET (companies project partners), which supported the symposium facilitators and then
process the content shared by the speakers.
Artificial Intelligence was then the protagonist of the restitution talk held on 5 November, at the Meeting Point at Artissima, where Alia – as a
a ‘smart’ live editorial staff – was questioned on various topics during the restitution talk to be held at the fair.
The graphic design and implementation of the final digital restitution project will be directed by Artshell, software house for the art market and long-standing partner of Beyond Production.
Download the conference proceedings produced by Alia Artificial Intelligence here.

Beyond Production 2022
The METAmorphosis project is the second chapter born from the dialogue between Artissima and the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT, in collaboration with the technical partners Artshell and the LCA law firm, plus the company Revibe Metaverse Experience Factory. The project aims to investigate the phenomenon of the Metaverse, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses, and offering a critical, formative and educational vision for professionals in the art world (galleries and artists) and the public.
METAmorphosis offers the 4 artists and their galleries participating in the project a formative journey into the Metaverse, in its policies and visions, solicits a reflection on the potential and limits imposed on creativity by these new worlds which, like the real one, have their physical laws and sustainability; last but not least, the project intends to recall the fundamental values and processes that underlie the art market and its supply chain to continue to consider the human relationships that intervene both in the fruition of the work of art as in its production and sale.
The 4 artists and their respective 4 galleries participating in the project were selected at the fair, through careful work carried out by Ilaria Bonacossa, director of the National Museum of Digital Art in Milan and creator of Surfing NFT. They are: Marcos Lutyens – Alberta Pane, Paris, Venice / Eva & Franco Mattes – Apalazzogallery, Brescia / Rebeca Romero – Copperfield, London / R M – Martina Simeti, Milan. An international jury composed of Amira Gad (Head of programs of the LAS – Light Art Space, Berlin), Lars Henrik Gass (director of the Festival Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen), Samuele Piazza (senior curator of OGR Torino) and Domenico Quaranta (art critic, curator, lecturer and author of Beyond New Media Art and Surfing with Satoshi. Arte, blockchain and NFT) has the task of selecting a winner who will have the opportunity, thanks to the technological support of the partners involved in the project, to realize his project idea by digitizing his physical work in the ways he has imagined. Both the physical and digital works will be acquired thanks to the OGR Award budget and will become part of the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT collection on loan to OGR Torino.
The winning physical and digital works will be displayed in the physical and virtual Cathedral of the OGR torino during an event dedicated to METAmorphosis in May 2023.

Beyond Production 2021
Launched during the last edition of the fair, the Surfing NFT project was born from the dialogue between Artissima and the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT, in collaboration with the technical partners Artshell and the LCA law firm. The aim of the project is to think about the relationship between art, technology and innovation, inviting contemporary artists to experiment with the production of a digital work registered with NFT on the blockchain, but from a different point of view.
The selection committee, made up of Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev (Castello di Rivoli Director), Daniel Birnbaum (Artistic Director Acute Art, London) and Hans Ulrich Obrist (Artistic Director Serpentine Gallery, London) identified the five artists at the fair – Darren Bader (Galleria Franco Noero), Claudia Comte (König Galerie), Matteo Nasini (Clima), Sarah Ortmeyer (Dvir Gallery) and Damon Zucconi (VEDA) – who in a few months have produced a digital work registered with NFT on the blockchain, thanks to a production budget made available by the Fondazione Arte CRT.