aulArte 2024-2025

Fondazione Arte CRT launches the second edition of the call for the dissemination of art in schools.
Online the new Call aulArte 2024-2025.
aulArte is a project conceived and promoted by the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT for schools in Piedmont, with the aim of promoting the knowledge and dissemination of contemporary art as part of the school curriculum, thanks to the collaboration of the education departments of the museums and contemporary art foundations in Piedmont.
The Foundation believes strongly in the educational role of contemporary art, in the role it can play in the learning process and in the collective life of a school group made up of children and adults, teachers and families.
Following the success of the first edition, which involved eight primary schools (a total of 16 classes and around 350 children), the second edition of aulArte is now underway, with which the Foundation is reinforcing its commitment to promoting pupils’ access to cultural venues, with a particular focus on those in economically and socially disadvantaged contexts.
The new call for applications is open to all schools in Piedmont, at all levels, and the grant is intended for school excursions to museums and contemporary art foundations in the region.
Following a comparative selection procedure, the Foundation will award 25 schools a grant of 2,500 euros (for a total of 62,500 euros) to cover the costs of school excursions to one or more contemporary art institutions in Piedmont.
The deadline for applications is 24 May 2024, and the list of selected schools will be published on the Arte CRT Foundation website on 14 June 2024.