Giorno per Giorno

Giorno per Giorno (‘Day by Day’) is a project entirely supported by the Foundation, consisting of a programme of exhibitions, performances, conferences and events that, for three editions, involved the main organisations, cultural institutions and contemporary art spaces in Turin and Piedmont. With a single calendar of art events, it created a large imaginary museum and an international happening. Over the three editions (2010, 2011 and 2012), the project was coordinated by Artissima but managed by a different curator for each edition.
Past editions

Giorno per Giorno 2012
The third edition of Giorno per Giorno was organised by Artissima, and curated by the essayist and writer Gianluigi Ricuperati.
The programme was entitled Dall’eternità a qui (‘From Eternity to Here, taken from a major study by the American physicist Sean Carrol), and took place from 19 to 30 June 2012 in various museum and institutional venues in the area, such as Castello di Rivoli, GAM, Fondazione Merz, Fondazione Sandretto, PAV, Museo dell’Automobile, Circolo dei Lettori, etc.
The project, based on the relationship between contemporary art and science, was developed through the various points of view of artists and curators but also architects, designers, writers and, of course, scientists.
The programme began with an electronic music concert by Kode9, a DJ and researcher from the MIT, at the Museo dell’Automobile, in collaboration with Xplosiva. The calendar then foresaw meetings with internationally renowned Italian scientists and contemporary artists, specialist seminars to investigate the relationship between creative processes and science, lectures by writers and experts on the subject, and workshops with the public. The final evening, held at the Academy of Sciences, featured a series of interviews by Hans Ulrich Obrist with top scientists, artists and scholars.

Giorno per Giorno 2011
The Giorno per Giorno 2011 project was based on the need to redevelop the initiative by prioritising the quality of events over their quantity. For this reason, instead of covering an entire month, it was decided to concentrate the activities in ten consecutive days at the end of May, culminating in an event of great international resonance.
The chosen theme centred around the figure of Alighiero Boetti, his historical work and the influence of his ideas, which still have a very significant impact on contemporary artists.
For nine days, just as many regional institutions proposed an event linked to the figure of Boetti to an audience of more than 4,400 people in the form of an exhibition, a debate, a performance, etc. This ‘baton-passing’ between the various protagonists of the system ended with a marathon dedicated to the artist during the ‘Alighiero Boetti Day’, in which for about 12 hours, collaborators, friends, critics and contemporary figures explored the range and thought of Boetti’s work.

Giorno per Giorno 2010
The 2010 edition of Giorno per Giorno, curated by Artissima and its director Francesco Manacorda, attracted over 9,000 visitors, with a 28-day calendar of events held in six provinces and in the venues of 19 contemporary art institutions in Piedmont, including the Accademia Albertina, Castello di Rivoli, CeSAC, CRAA Villa Giulia, Fondazione Merz, Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Fondazione Spinola Banna, the GAM, the National Museum of Cinema, etc.