
Seminar 6 – Aperto 2024.
Seminar 6 | Management e sostenibilità dei progetti culturali | from 5 to 8 February 2025
Aperto, the free training programme for contemporary art professionals, promoted and funded by the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT, announces the sixth seminar of its first edition.
Designing culture is as much about vision as it is about strategy: the ‘Management e sostenibilità dei progetti culturali (Management and Sustainability of Cultural Projects)’ seminar will explore the fundamental tools for creating projects that can last, evolve and leave a mark on communities.
Cultural design is not only a creative exercise, but also a management process that must take into account available resources, costs, socio-cultural impact and public policies. The seminar will address the issues of sustainability and management from an integrated cross-cutting perspective: sustainability will be interpreted in an economic and socio-political sense, where being sustainable means first and foremost creating projects that have a lasting positive impact on communities, while management will be understood as the operational ability to strategically manage resources and project development phases.
Management and sustainability of cultural projects’ is a seminar by Riccardo Lazzarato, organised by Feat.Ventures and reserved for a group of people who have attended one of Aperto’s previous seminars.
The 2024 edition of Aperto offered 6 seminars: Practice-based research (26-29 June), Relazionarsi al presente / Relating to the Present (16-19 July), Una scuola al Castello di Rivoli /A School at the Castello di Rivoli (23-26 September), Arte e scritture in atto / Art and Writings in Action (23-26 October), Arte in pratica: allestimento e produzione /Art in Practice: Installation and Production (27-30 November), Management e sostenibilità dei progetti culturali / Management and Sustainability of Cultural Projects (5-8 February 2025).
Each seminar lasted four days and is given by Italian and international lecturers and guests. They were open to a maximum of 25 participants between the ages of 22 and 35 who were admitted through individual open calls. Participants could apply to one or more seminars.
Aperto is a network of contemporary institutions and spaces with recognised expertise in the field of education and takes place in their premises in Turin. The partners design the seminars together with the team that conceived the project (Giorgina Bertolino, Irene Calderoni, Bernardo Follini, Vittoria Martini). The 2024 edition of Aperto involved Castello di Rivoli Museo di Arte Contemporanea, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Almanac, Cripta747, Mucho Mas!, Feat Venture.
For more information visit the website.
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